Monday, April 25, 2016

Valentines Day All Month ~ Day 4 ~ Fullness of Grace and Forgiveness

February 4, 2014 · Valentines Day All Month ~ Day 4 ~ Fullness of Grace and Forgiveness

The little page...always hard to find...tucked between the giants of Timothy, Titus, and flip around trying to find it, when you are asked to find it, which is one really preaches on it...does anyone even read it?...Philemon. The book that's been wet with my tears....a little wrinkled and worn...words journaled around it's edges...the book I can always find because it saved(s) my heart from bitterness. Many times have I replaced Paul's words to Philemon, as words from God to me. No matter who you are, there is always someone you need to forgive.

Onesimus (if you can't say it, it's pronounced 'Oh-ness-uh-miss'), a thieving slave of Philemon...a run- away...scared and useless, finds Paul...or should we say, "God weaves the tapestry again, working through Onesimus's sin, unto his salvation (because that's what God does)...and leads him to Paul." Glory. God saves people for His glory. "God saves people in his timing, when it brings HIM the most glory", says my friend, Tammy. Paul asks Philemon to forgive his runaway slave, who is now his brother in Christ. Saved. Forgiven by God. Blameless. Righteous. Paul asks to be charged himself, with whatever Onesimus owes. Do you need to forgive your husband or wife? Imagine God speaking all the words of the book of Philemon to you...such as, "welcome your spouse, as you would welcome me...if he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me". Charge the offense to God. Something I've found: People who have been forgiven much by God or others, are able to forgive much. The ones who receive a great and abundant grace are able to extend it easier to others. It is truly a wonderful gift from God, to be able to do this. For this I am thankful. My man forgives me and extends grace far easier than I am able to, even when I am extremely difficult. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 NIV)

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