Monday, April 25, 2016

God's Word: His Message to You

March 24, 2014 · God's Word; His Message to You It's 3:20 (my time) but there's still time for you to see what message God has for you, today. Run your fingers over your Bible and open it and see what you might find! :). I did that today, because I've been busy with Spring cleaning. I turned to Romans chapter 4, and in there I have this section underlined: Without becoming weak in faith he (Abraham) contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness. (Romans 4:19-22 NASB) Do you know that the only way you will be strengthened in your faith is to see God work? Do you know that the only way you will see God work is to ask him in prayer, to do the impossible things, the big changes in you and others, and the little things? These things add up, into a life of faithfulness TO God and faith IN God. In 2007, as I struggled with wanting to have more children but not being able to, I asked God to take away the desire for children since it was impossible for us to have more. When you pray, you also have to sit quietly to hear God's answers. I sat quietly and God told me that he would not take away that desire because we would have another child. This was impossible at the time. We thought the army didn't do reversals. We had obligations to pay debt, not save money for a reversal. I didn't really believe God, but I stepped out in faith and do you know what I did? I cultivated further, my love for my own children. I asked God everyday to reveal to me what the next step was, and often it was to wait and to keep having faith. I wrote in my journal everyday; never giving up on God. I cried. We paid off debt. God gave me promises in his word, including the one in Romans above, and Luke 1:45, and Isaiah 30:18, which I meditated on. As the years went by, having a baby became an idol. God corrected me and I learned to love God more than anything else, even a baby. Once this happened, the doors opened for a reversal and then more waiting happened. It was a sweet time for James and I. We became a little closer as we waited for God, we started to communicate and forgive a little better. I learned to keep loving God with all my heart and soul and mind. And then God answered my prayer, after 4 1/2 years, and we were going to have another baby, only to lose it through miscarriage. We did not know if it would take a long time to get pregnant again, or if we even would. I wondered if that was the baby God had promised me. I learned very quickly that God wanted me to see that He is the promise keeper but his promises are on his terms, not mine. I am to have faith, and be faithful to Him. He showed me that He definitely has the power to fulfill his promises, but he also has the power to give and take away, and he wanted to see if I would still praise him in the hard times....if I would still believe that he is good. And then the next month we were pregnant with Quintin and finally, after five years, we got to hold a new baby! :) God is good and he gives us his word, as his message to us. Please don't take it casually. He speaks through his word and through the quiet moments you spend with him. He hears you. He answers you. He longs for you to place your life, your dreams, and your desires in his hands. If you haven't read his word today, there's still time. ;). There's still time to pray and ask him for the things you need and want. The only way you will have a story to write like the example I've given when I saw Romans 4, is to ask and see God work. Let God write your story! <3

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