Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 30 of Thankfulness ~ My Testimony

Day 30: My Testimony Today is the last day of my Thankful posts. I've had so much fun writing them everyday and sharing my life with you all. I saved a lot of the best things for last, like marriage, my husband, my life. Today, I want to share my testimony, for those who haven't heard it--lots have, but maybe you haven't. It's a simple testimony, nothing flashy, except that it's mine! ;). I was raised in a Christian home, where, until 2000 (when my dad started trucking) my family was altogether, every night, except when my dad was TDY. We went to church every Sunday, and small group on Wednesdays. My mom homeschooled us, and we were quite sheltered, which I am so VERY thankful for. They imparted values into my life, taught me what God's Word says and what it means, and they taught me to apply it to my life. But, growing up that way has some spiritual disadvantages. You think you are a Christian (by this I mean, saved), because "you grew up that way". You tend to become self-righteous, too. You don't mean to do it. It just happens because you learn to "not be of this world in actions, and words, and deeds". You are taught morality, grace, consequences of sin, etc. So, being raised this way, generally, you don't go along with the crowd, sinning, partying, and getting into trouble. You're not perfect, but you're not doing what the other kids are doing either; at least to the level that they are. And so, you grow up being self-righteous. You don't really see your personal sin as "that bad". So while I'm thankful for my upbringing and the instruction I received, I'm also sad to say that I was not saved! God didn't show me this until January of 2002. I had been progressively dealing with a lot of doubts concerning God's Word. Satan planted little seeds in my heart, such as, "Do you really believe that Jonah is a true story?...maybe it's just an allegory". Or, "Do you really believe God created the world?" Satan used my biblical knowledge and my parents' instruction against me. Slowly, I started to doubt small things, until I doubted the big things, too. This went on for years, until 2002. By January of 2002, I'd had enough of the yo-yo Satan had me on. Tired of the uncertainty, I started to give up, and give in, to the inner voice inside me and the voices of my parents, pastors, and friends. One night I decided to look in my concordance for scriptures on doubt. The first one that caught my eye was a strange verse in far from the salvation verses used and taught, as "The Romans Road", and John 3:16. There tucked in Romans 14, is the inconspicuous verse 23, "But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. (Romans 14:23 ESV)! In that moment, even though Paul wasn't even talking about salvation, but something totally different, I realized I was a sinner, because I lived a life of doubt. I repented, turned to Christ for forgiveness, and never doubted God's Word or truth, again. Today, my spiritual gifting is the gift of Faith. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT SATAN WANTED! Isn't that amazing, how God does divine reversals? Today, when I'm under what seems like impossible circumstances, impossible people, or my own "impossible-ness", that gift of faith bubbles up. It's always there. Now there may be times that I don't understand God's way, his timing, or his will, and my trust in him may waiver, a volcano of Faith usually takes it's place, and I usually don't stay in that hopelessness, for very long. ;) So, today, I am thankful that even the strangest parts of God's Word, are all used: "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)" "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV)" So for God's Word, His Grace and His Forgiveness, and for my little testimony, I am SO THANKFUL!!! I leave you with these words from Jesus: John 17:17 "Sanctify them by the truth, your Word is Truth"

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