Monday, April 25, 2016

But Then

BUT THEN, By: Rachelle Phipps Psalm 107 is an amazing Psalm. It's very real-life and honest. It talks about four kinds of people. In verses 4-9, the "wanderer" is highlighted. He is hungry and thirsty for something and he finds that only God satisfies him! In verses 10-16, the "rebellious prisoner" is featured. He is a prisoner to sin, and rebellious to God's authority. He stumbled, and suffered, and nothing helped...but then he cries out to God and he is saved and the chains, the cycles, the patterns, are finally broken! In verses 17-22, the "Sick Rebel" is submitted. He has been a fool, and in his rebellion, God has chosen to afflict him. This type of person learned the hard way, too, but God saves him, heals him, and gives this man something to praise God about! In verses 23-32, the "Storm-Tossed" man is highlighted. This man went out into the sea of life, worked hard, saw God work, believed God, but still, the hardships came, the peril stared him in the face, seemingly without reason. This man was at his "wits end", the NIV says. But God (my favorite phrase of all time), calmed the storm, and guided this man. In verses 33-43, the promise is stated for the ones who remain in rebellion and those who turn to God for salvation. Verses 33-34 highlight the man who stays in his rebellious state. The rest of the chapter gives a beautiful promise to those who surrender their life to The Lord. I have been each one of these men at one point or another, but especially the second and fourth man. I am so thankful that God is merciful and patient with each of us, not wanting any of us to perish in our sin, but to come to the knowledge of God's saving grace! I think this Psalm gives a beautiful picture of God's intense love and care for us. My favorite thing about it is all the "buts" and "thens". It reads like a story...a testimony! So beautiful!!!

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