Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Little Girl is Growing Up

Unfortunately, these were the best pics...the rest were more blurry!



I just wanted to jot some things down about Abigail, today! She has become quite the little home-maker, mini-mommy, cleaner/organizer and definitely a big joy in my life and our home! It's a little hard watching her grow up. She's only three but has always been very mature for her age, so she helps me a lot and really surprises me with the things she knows and can do! Of course, she would not normally be this way, to this degree if I had not diligently trained her and taught her how to do things and made her a part of my everyday life (every part of it). She has finally stopped disobeying all the time and that is mostly because I have worked one on one time into our schedule and she isn't restless during school time!

This morning and yesterday morning she made her bed all by herself, beautifully! :) I didn't have to ask her, spank her or force her to do it, like I have had to in the past 6 months. She understands why she has to do it. I have explained to her, that I do not have time to make it for her because I make Sheldon's bed and my own. She understands that Katie (our cat) might sleep on her bed during the day and if the bed is not made that cat hair might get in her bed and I will have to waste time and energy washing it. My cat is very clean, and doesn't shed hair much. In the fall she does and it's fall right now, so I explained this to her.

The other day Abbie totally amazed me! She asked if she could put a new bag in the bathroom trash can. I have never taught her this...I guess she just watches me, a lot. Anyway, she left and brought me the bathroom trash. I threw it away and then she proceeded to get a big trash bag out from under the sink. I didn't realize what she was doing with it. I was on the phone with my husband. She took it upstairs and came back with the Diaper-pail trash bag (it is just a trash can, not really a diaper pail, but we use it for one). She had taken the upstairs diaper trash out and brought the full bag downstairs to me. I just stood there with my mouth open! :) You guys, she is three years old! I told my husband and then I went to check in the bathroom and upstairs to see how well she had put the new bags in. I was amazed, again. The bathroom trash can had a new bag in it and the diaper pail upstairs was perfect, as well. I told my husband that I couldn't believe it! :) I had never taught her this... my boys would never be coordinated enough to do something like that, at her age.

Abbie has also learned very quickly, recently how to fold every type of laundry...that is pretty detailed for a little girl to know! :) I do the big bath towels and my clothes. She knows how to do it, but they are just bigger than she is, so I don't think she should do them, yet.

As far as cooking goes, she always cuts the butter in little pieces for me, for pie crust, graham cracker crust, or biscuits. She stirs everything and really does a good job helping me. A lot of times, her or Zane, keep the scrambled eggs moving for me in the morning, while I am doing other stuff, so they don't burn. They get cereal bowls, spoons, the cereal and milk out when they know we are going to have cereal.

This morning Abbie unloaded the dish washer, and then fed the cat, while Zane was playing upstairs. She thinks helping is more fun than playing in the playroom! Can you believe that?

Why am I writing all this about her? Just to show you that 2 and 3 year olds CAN and SHOULD be trained to do everything adults have to do. I see so many kids who cannot do anything and don't do anything, but make huge messes in the house. My kids clean their own messes up. I WILL NOT help them clean it up. Sheldon makes messes and I do help them by going through the house and putting things on the stairway, to go upstairs later. I will not clean the playroom for them. Our playroom is completely organized, meaning that every toy has it's place. Even Sheldon knows where they go. I will sometimes guide Sheldon through the playroom cleaning-up process. That's how he knows where things go. But, I will not help the older two to clean it up. When they tell me they are done, I go check it and make sure everything is put away right. If there are things in the wrong places, I remind them where they go, and I will usually put it away for them, while they watch me....or they do it.

Why do I go to the trouble of teaching them? It's so they become efficient in everything. It's so our home runs smoothly. It's so our home is orderly and thus glorifies God. God is a God of order! Look at the seasons, sun and moon, animal patterns and everything else that He has created. It is orderly....we know that winter is coming every year. In the winter we know and are comforted by the knowledge that spring WILL come! It will be warm again. It is the same for kids. They need order. It is one form of security that is tangible for them. They do not yet have the security that the Lord provides to believers. Kids need to know that they will eat, bathe, brush their teeth, clean/help/do chores, be a part of their parents life and not just a cute little accessory! That they will have shelter, and a kiss and hug from their mother and father. That they will be loved for who they are and trained to be useful, efficient, competent and prompt adults. Whatever you are, is what your kids will be. Train them to be better than you!!! Do the things that your mother didn't do for you. Teach boys and girls to cook, clean, organize, work with their hands, be creative and resourceful. To be frugal, selfless, loving, giving and kind. To minister to others, and to love serving the Living God. No parent is perfect but we can all strive to do things better for the next generation! If you lack order and organization skills, work on them...if you don't have time, make time. What are your idols? They are standing in your way. Don't bow down to them. I like my computer time. When I was in the camper, I didn't have a computer, so it was nice when we moved here, to have it. Sometimes, it is my idol, and that is so terrible. So, I have limited my time on here, and it works great. What are your idols? Are they television, trashy novels, the computer, shopping, eating and being a slob on the couch, scrap-booking, talking on the phone (for crying out loud....get off of it)...your kids are drifting away while you share the latest gossip, tidbits or whatever, and they feel like you ignore them. Why do you think they act up when you are on it? I know....I am on the phone quite a bit, but it is mostly with my husband. I really don't talk to my friends much on the phone, these days. I wish with all my heart that I didn't have to talk to my husband on the phone, but I have to. It sucks and I hate it. I really hate being on the phone. I know my kids hate it, too. I like talking to friends occasionally, but really, I have my life to live and I refuse to waste it away on the phone! :)

Well, that's my speal for the week, you guys! :) I love you all...........and now it is getting cold in the house and I need to build a fire..... :( Ugh, I really don't like when it gets cold. Spring comes every year, though, right? :) And dear friends, your kids grow every year, too....please re-evaluate how your time is spent. I have been doing that all summer and I can see good results in my life and my kids! :) Well, I hope this was encouraging to someone out there! Love Rachelle

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