Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sheldon and Growing Up

Such a happy little man!

I just wanted to update a little bit on our littlest, little man! Sheldon turned 18 months on August 10th. I decided that this would be the day to wean him from breastfeeding, which we have done exclusively. I have been trying to gradually wean him and it did not go well, and actually stressed me out more than did any good. If he nursed even once, whenever he wanted, he thought he could try to nurse whenever he thought about it. I knew he would have to be weaned cold-turkey. I decided to do it on a Sunday, and realized that his 18-month birthday was a Sunday. I chose Sunday because, he would have a full-week until the next Sunday, to be weaned. Nursing was a comfort for him in church and was becoming quite embarrassing, as he was signing for it, saying words such as "nurse" and "bah" (his made-up word for it), and also pulling down the necklines of my shirts, suddenly. So, yes, it was becoming more embarrassing with each passing Sunday, than it was worth.

I nursed him once at church this past Sunday and that was his last! It was a very sad day for me. As much as I love breast-feeding and am an advocate for extended nursing (past 12 months, at least), I knew it was time! I am down to 95-97 pounds right now, and have been trying to gain weight with no success. I know I was just not getting enough calories! Sheldon would nurse 6 and 7 times a day (sometimes more). It was only a few minutes at a time, but I know it was taking lots of needed calories and I was just so tired of being bomb-barded by him each time I would sit down!

Well, soon I will be on to potty-training. He has become very interested in what his brother and sister, do in there. Soon, I will not have a baby, anymore! He has already grown up quite a bit in the last week, and it is quite sad, but time for me to officially declare that, after 6 years of pregnancy and nursing (with a grand total of exactly 48 months spent in just nursing), we are done breast-feeding! Sad as it is! :(

Sheldon has quite a few words right include "horse, ball, doggie, dada, juice, please, mama, Zane, etc." He is not as efficient, as Abbie was in talking. He is more like Zane was, and I expect him to stay this way until he is past two, just like Zane did. He may surprise us and take-off in the vocabulary department, though. We'll see, I guess.

Well, I just wanted to write a little tid-bit about Sheldon tonight. He is definitely growing up and he is at that point where he understands most things you say and our household runs smoother because of it. He laughs at funny things and is starting to show his own goofy character traits (so much like his Daddy). It is a special time! :) And one that is quickly fading.....Mommies and Daddies, don't ever take that time for granted. You hear old people always telling you to cherish the baby years, and I know at the time, when you are in the midst of them, it is hard, frustrating and sometimes there are lots of trials. They ARE really short! Just take that to heart. And remember, that even what you do with your baby from birth to 2 years old, does make a humongous difference in the life of your child. I was extremely stressed out when Abbie was between 12 months and 3 years old, and she is sometimes despondent, disobedient and rebellious, more-so than the other two. So, I know I made bad mistakes with her and know I wasn't a very good mother. Sometimes I feel it is already too late with her, but I know it's not. I have been making changes since she turned three and it is getting better. She has her moments and so do I. That time is oh-so important in the health, mind and life of your child, so don't think that just because he/she is "only" 18 months or whatever age, that it doesn't really matter how good or bad of a parent you are. It starts at birth and the first 4 years actually are more of a "clay and potter- molding time" than you think.

Well, I hope you are all doing well! Blessings ~ Rachelle


Unknown said...

It is sad to end nursing. Abi I think is about done. I was planning on nursing longer but she just doesn't want to nurse anymore. I guess she just thinks she is too grown up or maybe she gets too many calories in other ways. Oh well...hopefully we can wean a little more gradually than what she is trying to do...I hope you're well!

Bobbi Martens said...

I hope by now Sheldon's done wanting to nurse! That's got to be hard, especially when you know it's mostly for comfort.
That was great seeing how many months total you've nursed your babies. Wow. I wonder if my mom has any idea like that about her babies! That would be amazing. Talk to you soon!