Monday, February 9, 2009

Womanly Strength

I just have to share this with you guys....

My Army wife girlfriends and I exchange HOOAH Army Wife gifts on I have sent out to a few of my friends is titled "Strength". I really like it, and it not only applies to Army wives, but to all women, who seek to be strong for whatever purpose they need to. A weak woman really frustrates me, for some reason....maybe because at times I have been her, have been where she is, or because of my lack of strength, caused problems in my marriage, my children's lives, or whatever. But even before finding this little piece of writing, God has been strengthening me for only He knows what. I want to share it but I want to elaborate on it, as well....anything in parenthesis will be my little spiritual elaborations....


~My mind, body and spirit are strong...(this strength is not of my own doing).

~I take time each day to rejuvenate and recharge... (this rejuvenation I find, in taking a hot bath each and every night, in staying in God's Word almost every day, in the mutterings of prayers to my Heavenly Father of my frustrations, my heartaches; every ounce of me asking for His strength and His grace to fill me, just so that I can make it through each 24 hour period....days and nights....)

~ I draw from a deep well of peace and calm....(none of us, without God, has anything such as this to draw may think you may think anything that you find pleasure in, can give you the peace and calm that you need...but only Living Water can give you this....only the Prince of Peace).

~ I breathe in strength and release my fears...( I breathe in only The Breath of Life --I know He is really called the "bread of life" but I think Breath is very nice, too----...for nothing else will one else is as strong as He).

~ I go after my hearts deepest desires...( I personally go after a desire to please God, a desire to serve my family and a desire to love my man, passionately, and with no regard to his past, present or future mistakes.....I desire to stick with him through thick and respect him no matter is man is ever perfect and neither is any woman.....marriage takes work, and my strongest earthly desire is to keep my marriage strong. I have made mistakes in the past...I have disrespected my husband....I have not supported him very well in everything, but I have stuck with him, at least, and weathered his decisions....but ultimately I want a marriage made in heaven).

~ I can accomplish anything....( So often, we do it on our own strength, though. I want God to give me the strength to accomplish anything).

~ All of my dreams are coming true....( I could not say this 2 years dreams were crumbling before my very eyes....but by putting my faith in Him, he has given me my heart’s desire, and I can honestly say that my dreams are coming true, and in 2 months, I will again have the life that I have known all along that I was born for. Yes, there will be deployments....there will be financial hardship at times...yes, Army life can be frustrating...leaving friends and family is hard...but it was the life I was born into, raised in for 17 years, and married happily into 6 ½ years ago...I love it. So, yes, it is hard but it is my calling).

~ I focus on my goal and have the strength to make it happen....( I was blessed with a very focused and goal-oriented mind, to begin with....but who gave me this blessing? The Lord, of course. I do make things happen, and find a great deal of joy in following through with my goals on a daily basis, but only God can be given credit for this trait).

~ I choose to be unstoppable....( I do choose this, I will admit. Some days, I am burned out and tell my husband or trusted friends that I cannot go one more day....but I do, somehow. I guess it is because my husband tells me I can, and that I have to. I guess because godly friends encourage me to keep going. Or they watch my children. But honestly, it is not the children, like I blame...I can have someone watch my children for a few hours, only to feel relatively the same afterward. I get through burnout because ultimately, I ask God for the strength to get through it. When I cannot take it anymore, God pulls me up...He gives me a new set of batteries...and just like that, burnout is gone, as quickly as it came....).

~ I am strong...( I wasn’t always, and wish sometimes I was stronger, but I can say, “I am Strong” and know that it is true.......when before I would say, “I am trying to be strong”...)

~ I act in spite of my fears...( I could wake up tomorrow and my husband be taken from is scary...anyone, military or otherwise has to face this same fear...In fact, I worried more about my husband dying while he was a truck driver than I ever did when he was deployed. Other things can cause fear...doing something you have never done before....I could be afraid to change the oil in my lawnmower....I could be afraid to step up and handle all the finances...I could be afraid to raise my children by myself at times...I could be afraid to live all alone in the North Idaho Sticks, if I wanted to be afraid....there are a million silly little things that stifle the conquering of fears. I act because I have to, essentially. You may not see that fear is the culprit for not doing things...not learning new things...but all in all, it is the fear that causes us to let someone else do it. I act on my fears because I have no reason to fear anything. God gives me something to conquer and to learn...not something to fear. That is silly. God gives me these little things so that I can act on my fear....and so that ultimately I can face my biggest fear, and that is losing my husband...).

~ I am bigger than my concerns and worries...( This is basically the same as fear...God has made me and continues to make me bigger than my worries....I do not do this on my own....there is a measure of faith involved).

~ I go for it with gusto....( I rip through my house, cleaning, organizing and living life as a stay at home mom....which I dearly love....but like I said before....God gives me the new energy that I need well as the brain enough to eat organic food and drink lots of water! :)

~ I can do anything I put my mind to...( I can do anything that God has told me I need to put my mind to....if it were up to me I would sit all winter and do puzzles, watch Jane Austen films and lay around. But everyday when my feet hit the floor, I try to remember to ask God what He would have me do. His agenda, not mine, though I do wish I could sit and be lazy...but to watch the house fall apart around me would be more stressful than just getting it done....and I know that getting it done, is something God wants me to do....He is a God of order, you know! :)

~ Each day I am getting stronger....( This is particularly true for Army wives....because for no other reason, than, that we are FORCED to grow stronger! :)

~ I take great care of myself...( Yes, it is true...I am obsessed with organic food, and I am guilty of buying second hand clothes for myself in order to afford organic food, for my family, but it is worth it....and water...and green tea, and the study of Herbs aids me in caring for myself and for my children...but God has given me this knowledge and I have more to learn....He has also given all herbs for our use and healing! It is to his glory!)

~ The strength of others inspires me daily....( Yes, without certain people I know, I would not have made it through difficult periods, and again, only God knew who and what I needed and he provided those things/people for me!)

~ I trust my intuition and live a courageous life...... ( My intuition is almost always right but I don’t agree that that is what I trust!....obviously from what I have written above, there is someone whom I trust, far more....the One who gave me the intuition in the first place. As to the courageous life....I would not be full of courage without the people who have encouraged me! Thank know who you are! :)

And these are my elaborations on someone else’s writing...someone who was obviously an Army wife herself, but sounds as if, she did not know God.

Now, for the gals who share the HOOAH Army wife gifts with me....*hint hint*....I’d love this one, for my facebook wall! :) Blessings!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gentleness ~ 2009

My italics didn't copy and paste, hopefully you guys can understand this....there were parts of it that I wanted to be in italics....


This year, for my fruit of the Spirit, I am studying Gentleness. What does it truly mean to be gentle....what does the actual word mean and how do I apply it in my daily life as a wife and mother? These are the beginning questions I ask each January in reference to my favorite Bible verse of all time...Galatians 5:22-25. Armed with my dictionary and at least three different Bible translations, I take time each January to study a particular Fruit, for that year. This is my 8th year doing this! This is the first time I have ever written my study out for my live-journal and blog, though!

In 2002, I studied love. I made it through a very difficult time, waiting for my fiancé and the love of my life to graduate Basic Training and AIT. We began our life together, and the fruit of our love brought the joy of new life! A strawberry represents this and sweet for new love! :)
In 2003, I studied Joy. Our first child was born in 2003. A pear represents this year, for “round with child.” LOL!
In 2004, I studied Peace. I miscarried this year, and was taught to have peace in all situations and to be peaceful and bring peace to our home. Oranges (my favorite fruit) bring me peace (if they are good ones), so that represents this year.
In 2005, I studied patience. I had Abigail in 2005 and everyone knows how trying it can be to adjust to having a second child, and I definitely needed patience that year! I think an Avocado will go perfect for that year....since I craved it while pregnant with Abbie!
In 2006 I studied Kindness. We were wrapped heavily up in a family business deal, and I will admit, that I tried to be kind to everyone involved but I failed in becoming more kind, that year. A tomato can represent that year because everywhere I turned, I felt I was being bombarded by flying, rotten tomatoes! The joy of doing the Fruits of the Spirit each year, is that when you are done with them, you can wrap around and do them all over again, thank heavens.
In 2007, I studied Goodness and failed yet again at being a good wife and mother. Though our situation was awful, our marriage going down-hill, and my faith being tested, I cannot excuse myself for my behavior in regards to all that happened that year, and look forward to working on that particular one again, and digging deeper the next time. An un-ripe and bitter Kiwi, will represent 2007, because that is what I was...Bitter and green with envy of others who had it better than I did...
In 2008, I studied Faithfulness. Was I full of faith in my Heavenly Father? At the beginning of 2008 it seemed like just a repeat of 2007, in regards to our situation. I will admit, I had no hope that my life would ever be the same again. But I studied that word, anyway, and things made a definite change for the better in March 2008. An Apple can represent 2008, for I became the Apple of my husband’s eye, again, and he, mine!
So here we are arriving at Gentleness for 2009, and here is my study! I don’t know what fruit I will use to represent it, yet, though! Enjoy!

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A few days after I sat down to do my study, my poor husband and I got into a nice argument over the phone and I thought to myself, “Yes, I will be challenged this year.” The devil never fails to try to get me to do the exact opposite of my fruit, for that year! Sometimes he fails and sometimes he succeeds. I want to write this study in conversation format, because I talked a lot to God and myself while I was doing it, and I think it will be interesting, for you all. Anything appearing in italics, will be my conversing with God!

I start out by asking a few questions like the ones I wrote in the first paragraph. This gets my mind moving, and gearing up for my study! I take this whole thing VERY seriously if you can’t tell, already! :) Next, I do a word study, and some sub-word studies, which I always find intriguing. Throughout the year, I make it a matter of prayer, and try to keep it in mind and think of it daily. I sometimes write out verses pertaining to that particular Fruit, on my calender. Each month will usually have one verse. This is not to is just so that I see it, and it reminds me to think on it. Then at the end of the year, I write about what I have learned, how I did, how I could have done better, etc. I encourage you all to do this! It is a lot of fun! Thanks go to Roberta Dahlin, for sharing the idea with me in 2002! She has done it with me most years, since! Where she got the idea, I don’t know! Here is the verse:

Galatians 5:22-25
“But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”

Fruits of the Spirit, are the virtues that God prunes and manicures in us. Without them, others do not see Christ resident within us. Where there is no growth and good fruit, you might question whether or not you are really saved. Jesus speaks in His Word multiply times about fruit, trees, etc. Bad trees produce bad fruit. Good trees produce good fruit. It is just logical. But, you cannot do the growing on your own! You must ask God to help you and then meet Him halfway.

In the verse above, it says “Against such things there is no law”...if you don’t understand what that means, this is what it says below the line in my husband’s study Bible:

“ Christian character is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by the mere moral discipline of trying to live by law. Paul makes it clear that justification (that is the act, process, or state of being right with God) by faith does not result in libertinism (that is a free-thinker especially in religious matters) The indwelling Holy Spirit produces virtues in the believer’s life.” I do believe however, that you can make it very hard on yourself, by not allowing the Holy Spirit to do these things in your simply not thinking about it, and by simply not getting serious about growth!

So, now we begin on the word study....what does it truly mean to be gentle?


GENTLENESS: The quality or state of being gentle, (yes, but what does it mean to “be” it?), especially mildness of manners and disposition.
GENTLE: Belonging to a family of high social station (well, I am ruled out here), chivalrous ( a male trait, or so I think), honorable, distinguished, of or relating to a gentleman, kind, amiable, tractable, docile (hmmm...), free from harshness, sterness (Lord, this will be challenging, won’t it?), or violence, soft, delicate, moderate.
GENTLEMAN: A man of noble or gentle birth, a man who combines gentle birth with chivalrous qualities, a man who’s conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior.
GENTLEWOMAN: A woman of noble or gentle birth. A woman of refined manners or good breeding.

Sub-word Definitions, chosen from the actual definitions:

CHIVALROUS: (yes, I was at the time, not wanting to focus much on myself and was thinking of Mr. Darcy and men in general, so this was the first sub-word I looked up! ) Valiant, marked by honor, generosity, and courtesy. Marked by gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration, especially to women.
MILDNESS: Gentle in nature and behavior. Not being or involving what is extreme, not severe, temperate (What does that mean?), comparatively soft, and easily worked, malleable.
AMIABLE: Pleasing, admirable, generally agreeable (yes, Lord, this I need work in), being friendly, sociable and congenial.
Amiable implies having qualities that make one liked and easy to deal with (*raises eyebrow*), good-natured, obliging, and complaisant.
MODERATE: Avoiding extremes of behavior or expression (*grits teeth*), observing reasonable limits, calm, temperate.
HARSHNESS: irritating ( I am definitely guilty of this, or so my husband says, sometimes), severe, lacking in refinement, crude.
NOBLE: Possessing outstanding qualities, very good, or excellent, grand or impressive, lofty.
TEMPERATE: Marked by moderation, keeping or held within limits, not extreme or excessive, mild, restrained (ouch, Lord this applies to my tongue, I know it does...).
DOCILE: Now...I think we all think docile to mean quiet, and subdued, maybe, but the definition is so much richer and I was glad to have looked it up, instead of over-looking it, because I think it really spoke to me! Easily taught (*sigh*), easily led or managed (double ouch....I know this is probably talking mostly about animals, but Lord, it is so hard to be led by the authority you have placed me under. When I let my husband lead, sometimes it gets hard....and I know it is worth it in the end, because we grow and learn, but I am forever scared to put myself under the headship of a mere man, even when I know it is Biblical, and right. Help me to have faith in your purposes....), obedient, tractable.
SOFT: This definition is another that was so much richer than I thought it would be! And are NOT excluded in this is part of being a gentlemen, so read up! Pleasing or agreeable to the senses, subdued, quiet in pitch or volume ( yelling this year....), not violent, marked by a gentleness, kindness, or tenderness, engaging, kind, based on a negotiation and conciliation rather than on a show of power or threats (hmm...interesting), unassuming (ugh, I am always assuming the worst of everything), low-key, of a consistency that may be SHAPED or MOLDED, capable of being spread, occurring at such a speed and under such circumstances as to avoid destructive impact (this is talking about landing spaceships and aircraft, but how applicable in the grind of daily life! ).
MALLEABLE: Capable of being ALTERED, or controlled by outside forces or influences. Having the capacity for adaptive change (this can be looked at from two can be influenced for the good, or influenced for the pick....and your hormones and emotions WILL influence you for the bad!).

Very interesting! Good definitions, and much to think about and ponder throughout this year! Now here are the life-giving verses from God’s Holy and Fully-Inspired Word:

~Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
~Ephesians 4: 2-3 Be completely humble, and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love, make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, through the bond of peace.
~ Philippians 4: 4-5 Rejoice in the Lord always and again, I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near!
~ Colossians 3: 12-14 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And above al these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
~1 Timothy 6 :11 Paul to Timothy But you man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
~1 Peter 3:4 Peter speaking to women Instead it (your beauty) should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
~ Titus 3:1-2 Paul to Titus Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate (gentle in the KJV), and to show true humility toward all men.
~ Matthew 11:29 The words of our Savior, in red-letters: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will FIND REST for your souls!

In my daily Bible reading I came across this passage and wanted to add it to the end of my study:

Luke 13: 6-8

Then he (Jesus) told this parable: “ A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So, he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’
“‘ Sir, the man replied, leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.”

Below the line it says this:

In the Old Testament, a fruitful tree was often used as a symbol of Godly living. Jesus pointed out what would happen to the other kind of tree- the kind that took valuable time and space and still produced nothing for the patient Gardener. This was one way Jesus warned his listeners that God would not tolerate forever their lack of productivity. Have you been enjoying God’s special treatment without giving anything in return? If so, respond to the Gardener’s patient care, and begin to bear the fruit God has created you to produce.