Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Madness

It has definitely felt like a month of madness, for us so far this month. It's the 21st, so I figured I had better post for the month, since the rest of the month will be really, really crazy!

This month we have really been blessed in so many ways! James re-enlisted for 6 more years, in the Army. At first we were supposed to get a 14,000 bonus, but it ended up that someone didn't know what they were talking about and it was actually we got 11,000. We were both really disappointed but very happy to get something, at least. We actually only got 7,000 and most of the rest we will get back at tax time.

We were also blessed by getting the house we wanted to rent! You can see pictures, if you haven't already, on my last post. We are very excited about it and the landlady even said she will have a barn put up for us, if we want. We will be getting the garden in as soon as we get moved in. It is top priority for us. We will save money if we can have lots of fresh veggies. We are also planning on doing major berry picking and fishing, to fill the freezer! :)

It's been very cold and rainy, but the snow IS melting and it won't be long before the driveway is clear. I am positive that there will still be snow when James gets here. There is still a lot out there! We had one nice day this week, where it was about 52 degrees or so! It was really nice and I opened the doors to let the house air out, which I love doing.

The kids are doing so well! Zane is taking off in his reading, Abbie is learning letter sounds, and Sheldon finally said two sentences. He is so late in talking and it is so frustrating! It was so cute to finally hear a sentence from him! :) They were, "Uh-oh Mommy", and "Uh, Uh...Uh, Doggie" (he was telling the dog, no). Very, very basic, but when you have boys who talk late, it is a joy to finally hear something!!!!! :)

We cut Abbie's hair to about jaw-length. It is really cute and she will love it for the summer! A few days afterward she cut her bangs really bad though! I had to straighten them out and they are so short, but have grown a lot in a week!

I have just been packing here at the house and trying to sort, give-away, and take things to the thrift shop. I have this table that is full of odds and is so frustrating when I am really organized! :[ I have just been throwing little things that I am finding on that table, and it is driving me a bit crazy! :)

I am just ready to be done with this season in my life! We have 18 more days until James is home and I just want to have a normal life again for awhile! God has been so good, and even though there have been some bumps in the road this year, He has taken care of us, blessed us, grown us, satisfied our longing hearts and given us fresh bursts of energy and refreshment and just DONE everything! :) I don't think James nor I give much credit to ourselves for having done so well this year! ;)

I need to upload some pictures on here, of recent stuff...I have no idea what is on my camera right now! :) I will be so happy when I have high speed internet, and can upload faster! Way...faster ! :)

*Pause and reflect time*

Has God been teaching me anything this month? Have I slowed down to hear His voice? How can I encourage someone reading this? I want my posts to be worthwhile....

I have tried to slow down to hear God's voice, but not enough! I am still reading His word, daily but my prayer life is still not doing well. Will it ever? I hope so. It is actually a bit better, but not enough...

What God has REALLY been laying on my heart lately, is to respect my husband more than I do. God wants me to stop assuming things about my husband. He wants me to have a few seconds of quiet to assess my attitude before I speak to my husband about something. Especially during an argument, or more importantly, at the beginning of one. I am so disrespectful when I get mad, or hurt....I just hate that. I am going to work harder on it, for him and for God. I love my husband and there is no excuse for blowing things out of proportion, even when I am hurt.

Well, I will end here! I hope you are all having a marvelous spring, preparing for your gardens and doing your spring cleaning! :) I am looking forward to all of those things, myself! :) God Bless!

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